Summer Program is now over, and we are leaving with great memories! Our team’s hard work certainly paid off as we had an excellent summer with games, academic enrichment, and a lot of exciting opportunities.
Since May, the kids have been learning to use patience through James 1:19, “Be quick to listen, be slow to act, slow to anger,” and handle your emotions wisely. The daily lessons included more than mere reminders, but also reenacting scenarios that might cause anger and teaching a wise response.
In addition to the biblical lessons, our students were able to plays lots of games, learn how to make jewelry and robotics, and go on a field trip each Friday, including Adventure Landing and the Perot Museum. The Perot was a favorite as they got to interact with exhibits, such as racing against a video of a whale and testing how fast they could throw a football. Some of our kids were even able to participate in swimming lessons and earned an end of summer swim party!
We desire these kids to take something with them beyond just memories, so the Summer Program is designed to give the chance to deepen friendships, learn life lessons to take into the school year, and to truly grow in the Lord. We also want to give their parents a little time to relax while the kids are away!
Each of our students bond with our team in their own unique ways, and we hope to see that bond strengthen as they grow up. The BridgeBuilders mission isn’t about transforming summer, but about transforming lives. Hopefully the Lord will continue to use our Summer Program as a part of that mission!